Sunday 31 March 2024

Amazing Race 2.0 .... FAILED !!!! (March 28 - 30, 2024), Day 3 - Kuala Pilah to Melaka

7 am gearing up outside KP Hotel

Breakfast at Restoran Hinyi

They serves excellent curry mee and YTF

Hotel & Restoran Hinyi @

Approaching SJKC Chung Hua @

Back on Route 9. On our right is SMK Tuanku Muhammad where Mr Lim used to study

Taking a short cut through someone's land @

Trespassing with neighbour's permission

Pak Cik reminded us to close the gate, so we did!

Feeling pleased we managed to shave off a few kms

The climb on N123 began almost immediately after the gates

The 1st incline was fine...

...everyone did it in good stride...

Some gave up after awhile...

It's called "Celaka" for a reason!

10 % gradehill

After this regrouping, we don't see the whole group anymore. 50t vs 44t vs 40t vs e-assist

There's some short descents in between!

These are not boulders but garbage! It's a landfill

Kampung Ulu Inas. There's a waterfall nearby

This point is at the peak @ 300m

Rewarding long descent

Then another climb but manageable

Rolling hills

Winding descents

After being on your own for so long, the group greets you close to the junction to Route 9

Hillman Minx Series IIIC Saloon, production 1956 to 1967

Still on N123 @

Drink stop at 10 am at Air Mawang

Sleepy village along Route 9. Hardly any cars pass us by

Just as we were about to push off, Berenda discovered a puncture!

Technically, it is the 4th month in the Chinese lunar calendar which calls for tomb sweeping

We arrived in Tampin close to 11 am and decided to hunt down some lunch. Surprisingly we found the best Hakka Thunder Tea Rice in the world at Kedai Makanan Tampin Delicious Food Centre @

Off M10's Jalan Kemus Sempang Ampat and not far from Pulau Sebang's KTM is this shady route @

Prima A'Famosa housing development in the foreground

On our right is A'Famosa Resort and Themed Park...

...the perimeter of A'Famosa is cordoned off by these green fences

Pit stop @

There were a lot of climbs...

...but we were having loads of fun!

You get to choose between broken tarmac, dirt or grass to roll on!

Better to push bike on loose gravels and downhill 

Looking back at the way we came from!!!

At the top of this knoll, we took a water break and celebrated our success! Then it was downhill with perfect tarmac for only 50 m or so. It was a real deception. As the road curved, the tarmac disappeared and then disaster struck!




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