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The team with "Bernie" |
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The Lone Ranger |
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Team Singapore |
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Team JB |
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At Taman Nusantara |
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At Gunung Pulai foothills |
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On the way to Kulai |
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Cow dungs and watergates |
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At Sedenak |
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Farm vehicles |
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Just a drizzle |
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At Guang Fatt Wantan Mee |
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At Guang Fatt Wantan Mee |
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At Guang Fatt Wantan Mee |
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At Guang Fatt Wantan Mee |
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At Guang Fatt Wantan Mee |
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Renggam Hills |
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Best photo of the year! |
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Leaving Renggam |
The chatroom was abuzz a day before the ride. Claudine’s phone was lighting up like a Christmas tree with each text coming in at steady intervals. Besides packing issues, a more pressing matter is the possibility of rain! With the north easterly winds blowing, the year end monsoon has begun, bringing its first deluge to Penang. More than 80% of the islanders woke up to watery scenes on November 6, after a 15 hour downpour!
Here in JB, the rain started pouring heavily at 6 am on the morning of the ride. KC who was midway to Amin’s was caught in the middle of the passing storm. He got to the mamak shop all drenched BUT with plenty of time to dry up as well!!!
As for the Singapore crew that started late because Philip had overslept, it was a blessing in disguise. By the time they got to JB, the roads were already washed and cleaned.
Meanwhile, on home ground, the JB team met promptly at Horizon Hills. Hitting the road for Amin’s, even the sun could sense their enthusiasm, warming up their paths as they went along.
Arriving at the mamak shop, they were greeted by their friendly neighbours instead! Such was the irony that those who had to cross the Tebrau Straits in wee darkness made it to meet up point earlier than the hosts themselves! The tall order of the morning was to have a light breakfast of pratas before a fuller breakfast of Bak Kut Teh at Pekan Nanas to fuel the rest of the morning.
After our first carbo loading, we took the scenic kampung route of Kg Ulu Pulai, passing the malay cemetery, the madrasah and the primary school. At the end of the hamlet, the narrow river tributary of Pulai, was full from this morning’s downpour. Crossing its narrow bridge, we soon joined the main trunk road to Pekan Nanas.
Arriving at Pekan Nanas less than an hour later, we started a hearty breakfast of Bak Kut Teh. Popular with the locals and usually sold out by 9.30 am, the place was already quite full when we stepped in. While some said the soup was weak, everyone slurped up the food all the same as our next meal is; and when; we arrive at Layang-Layang.
Leaving Pekan Nanas town with a belly full of first class protein, we took the kampung route that circumvents the foothills of Gunung Pulai. It was a magical experience right out of an Enid Blyton book! Cruising past the quaint kampung houses, we saw rambutans, bananas, pulasans, jack fruits, and many other fruit trees. Lemon grass and pandan leaves grew wild.
Durians were hanging on branches with some by the side of the road, all ready for picking! At one point, the thorny fruits formed an arch over the road; a booby trap all ready to drop on the enemies!
Butterflies were chasing each other, somersaulting in mid air when they collide with each other...
Chickens were left on the lawn, free to pick on worms...
A flock of geese were calling out to a gosling from across the road. When Claudine stopped to look at them, the gander flapped it’s wings and started torpedoing towards her!
Up on a knoll, right after the Sangkar Ayam water tower, a pack of monkeys were playing on a road. When the first group approached, leaving the rest of the team members to attend to Jenny’s puncture, they scurried to the trees, swinging from branches to branches!
We met Bernie at Cendol Tepian Gerbang as pre-arranged. Coming from the pineapple factory where an MTB event was being held, he helped the organizers with the set up the previous day but sacrificed the ride in order to be our guide in Kluang!!!
Finally a full team, we left for Kluang via Jalan Kampung Melayu Raya. Travelling on this perpetually straight road that spanned more than 5 km, we only turned right when we approached a palm oil estate. Here on, was a 13 km flat road that saw us dodging swabs of cow dungs, so much, that it permeates the air!!! Along the way, we crossed yet another small stream, passed quite a few watergates, went under the busy North South highway before coming out at Scientex Kulai.
Once on the Federal Road, our ears buzzed with the noise of passing vehicles. At the right turn for Sedenak’s Hua Guo Shan temple, a confusion ensued! Peter, Philip and Lionel had shot ahead!!! Nobody’s shout could reach them as the noise from the passing trucks could go as high as 70-80 decibels.
The remaining group managed to contact Philip via WhatsApp call but by then, Peter had sped so far ahead, nobody could chase after him. Having no choice, the 2 men were ordered to turn back, abandoning him for good!
Not far from this junction is Hua Guo Shan Temple. Named after the residing cave of the Monkey God in the novel Journey to the West, it sits on a hill slope, overlooking the valley below. Sitting down for drinks and bean curd at the temple’s canteen, we bumped into Choon Huey, Chee Kiang and Thomas Moy. They had just finished their ride and were packing up to leave when we arrived.
While we were halfway through our drinks, we suddenly spotted Bernie and Philip Lee riding off. Pressed for time, they had left uninformed as the rain clouds were closing in fast. Not wanting to get drenched ourselves, we scurried after them.
The climb was almost immediate and the rolling hills was to go on for 23 km. Along the way, we rolled past the entrance to Legends Golf and Country Club, a mosque and a school. Here and there were small clusters of homes.
Crossing our first set of railway tracks, we could not resist stopping for a photo shoot. Soon after, we entered the dark, cold abyss of a palm oil estate. The matured palm trees offered a dense canopy over the road. Temperatures dropped drastically as rain clouds hovered heavily above, lightly misting the air.
Pummeling our pedals, hoping to get to Layang-Layang fast, the rain began to fall. Emerging out from the “Black Forest”, with no tree canopies to soften the blow, the rain pelted hard on us!
Rolling at high speed down a slope, Susanna had just passed the boom gate and security post of the estate when she began to turn her crank and changed gears to attempt the next climb. High tension on crossed chain, her chain broke!
Coming from behind, Claudine, Zoe, KC and Frankie could offer little help. KC who usually performs magic tricks with his hands was lost without his wand...this time, a chain cutter!
Hoping to take refuge in a religious school, they found its gates locked! They had no choice but to push further in heavy downpour until they found shelter in a village home still under construction.
After securing the most important stage in Maslow’s 5 hierarchy of needs, their brains went into overdrive! Checking with the group on WhatsApp, Claudine received a reply that none on Philip’s side has a chain cutter. Zoe tried to get a Grab or Uber service but none popped up in an area so remote!
After securing the most important stage in Maslow’s 5 hierarchy of needs, their brains went into overdrive! Checking with the group on WhatsApp, Claudine received a reply that none on Philip’s side has a chain cutter. Zoe tried to get a Grab or Uber service but none popped up in an area so remote!
There was little choice left but to hail for help. Looking out from their little shelter, they saw a pick up truck and two cars coming out from a nearby junction but left unnoticed. A few cars rolled past as well but as they were far off from the road, no driver could see their flailing arms.
When hope was almost gone, a motorcycle approached, reducing its speed as it rumbled nearer. The girls’ call caught the motorcyclist’s attention but he was unsure of their needs. He slowed down further but veered off to his home just next to their shelter!
Mustering their courage and calling on Lady Charm, Claudine and Susanna stepped across the whole nine yards to his doorstep. Explaining to him their needs, he confirmed there were no bicycle but only motorcycle shops in the area. Besides, they may not be opened for business.
Throwing their last card on the table, they finally convinced him to ferry Susanna to Layang-Layang where the rest of the team will be waiting. Thus, our damsel was whisked off her feet together with her bike in no time at all. Her baggage though, was loaded onto Claudine’s and KC’s mules.
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Billy took this photo from his shelter ! |
Finally on the move again, the “Emergency Evacuation Team” bumped into Philip’s group taking refuge nearly 200 m away! They cheered for Susanna and the EET team; assuming the roles of Cheerleaders!!! Lost and found, everyone rode in light drizzle through the rolling hills of Layang-Layang.
Midway through the climbs, Claudine bumped into our "Pahlawan Melayu". He was on his way back after dropping Susanna off at Layang-Layang. Passing her, his caring nature prompted him to make a U Turn to inform her on Susanna’s exact location.
Within 1 km radius to Lew Peng Chicken Farm, the nauseating stench of chicken droppings filled the air. While those unfamiliar with the route finds it disgusting, the handful few knew lunch will be served soon!
Even though the swallow condominium was the next thing that caught our eye, bird’s nest was not on our menu. Instead, we walloped the glistening Wantan mee at Guang Fatt, fully loaded with crispy bits of lard!!
As the last crew members rolled in cold and hungry, the earlier few who had fed, went down on their hands and knees to tinker on Susanna’s bike. The Pit Crew, led by Bernie finished the job with hands smothered in grease, not from lard but chain lubricants!!!
On the move again, we climbed our next set of hills to Renggam. A hilly route through well managed palm oil estates, the road was well paved with a generous buffer zone of greens before the trees. Away from the cool shades, we were subjected to the full onslaught of the afternoon sun. By then, the rain had stopped and humidity was high.
Ploughing her way slowly up one hill after another, Claudine was enjoying her sturdy new bike when a loud beeping sound startled her. The siren, coming from Billy made her wonder if she was going too slow! Perhaps he had decided to be Drill Sargent for the day!!!
Shrill and loud, his phone had gone bonkers in the rain! The incessantly loud tone went on for 6 km, all the way to Renggam!!!
Shrill and loud, his phone had gone bonkers in the rain! The incessantly loud tone went on for 6 km, all the way to Renggam!!!
Arriving at Renggam, the old goods train was waiting at the station in full ceremony. It got everyone really excited and this helped us forget about the promised iced cendol which was not selling today. Instead we had fried banana fritters and curry puffs to fuel our last leg to Kluang.
The journey to Kluang was again, another set of hills. Pressed for time, we decided to split the group into 2. The fast group were ordered to speed ahead and not to miss the coffee factory which closes its doors at 5 pm. However, towards the end, none of us managed a tour as the factory was undergoing renovations and they close early on Saturdays.
Thus, while the fast group arrived at Ailang Hotel half an hour ahead of Zoe, Susanna, VT and Claudine, the latter 4 were the only ones that took the detour to “smell coffee”! The former were just too tired for any tours!
Checked in and on WhatsApp, we were relieved Peter had arrived safely. An invitation was made to check out the cultural street art of Kluang. While Claudine had initially planned to join the rest on the street art immersion, she was caught off guard when she opened her Ortlieb pannier.
Unaware, her bag of clothes placed at the base of the pannier had been subjected to a thorough wash cycle since Layang-Layang, minus a spin dry cycle!!!! Carrying Susanna's water bottle, it had burrowed deep into Claudine’s clothes and cried buckets when she ran off with our "Pahlawan Melayu"!
Unaware, her bag of clothes placed at the base of the pannier had been subjected to a thorough wash cycle since Layang-Layang, minus a spin dry cycle!!!! Carrying Susanna's water bottle, it had burrowed deep into Claudine’s clothes and cried buckets when she ran off with our "Pahlawan Melayu"!
Thank goodness for hot irons and hair dryers! Towel dried, pressed and blow dried, Claudine was again in dry clothes when Bernie came to take everyone out for dinner. Driving us to the restaurant in 2 separate groups, we were really grateful we did not have to hit the saddle again. No doubt, our hineys were beginning to protest!
After dinner, while many turned in early, Philip, Peter, VT and Claudine checked out the nearby food court. Nothing much to eat there, the sweet desserts were commendable...traditional red bean soup is nutritious BUT(T) .... exploding!!!!
Photo Credits :
1. KC
2. Billy
3. Lionel
4. Philip Sim
Photo Credits :
1. KC
2. Billy
3. Lionel
4. Philip Sim
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