Sunday 13 October 2024

Journey to the East 2.0 (October 6 - 7, 2024)

Surprisingly, the same members that signed up for Journey to the East First Edition, signed up for Second Edition too! 

Photographed here at Mamu Junction, Eco Botanics, the team barely escaped the morning rain. Thankfully, we managed to remain dry while nursing a hungry stomach, clocking only 8 km mileage.

This Journey to the East, Second Edition is an extension of the First Edition which commenced from 6-7 June 2020. Back then, Malaysia was under Conditional Movement Control Order stemmed from the Covid pandemic which restricted interstate travel. Starved for travel with few places of choice, we embarked on Journey to the East which began from home with the ultimate destination the East; for sunrise!

This Second Edition came with similar essence. We began from home and our ultimate destination remain the East, for sunrise albeit a change in route. 

While we were blessed with cloudy overcast skies the 1st day, the 2nd day was far from desirable. Long story short, the East was not to be conquered this time!


Day 1

Brunch at Pontian's Jong Suan Hang. It is not listed on Google Maps but it serves fragrant nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaves. Clearly a Chinese establishment with non halal certification, this place is managed well by muslim employees.

We had taken a longer route with less traffic, riding from home to Eco Botanics, Sunway Medini, Pendas and Sungai Pulai Bridge. At Pontian, we had no choice but to follow Route 5 but were grateful, this stretch comes with motorcycle lanes 

After a drink stop at Restoran Mana Lagi in Ayer Baloi @, we took the kampung roads for Simpang Renggam. 

Photographed here is Jalan Kampung Dalam, right behind SMK Ayer Baloi @

Parit Rambai @

Cows grazing at Parit Rambai

Bridge at Parit Rambai @

Another view of the same bridge

Yet another bridge! This is near Parit Selangor's Jalan Assam Kumbang @

A view of Parit Selangor

After Jalan Assam Kumbang, we turned left to J170, crossed Sungai Pinggan and immediately turned right to follow Parit Wagiman. 

Photographed here is Route 96's Gerai ABC Tembikai Parit Ismail @

With 16 km more to Simpang Renggam, we decided to take it easy and scored a great Assam Pedas lunch set for 2 pax @ RM20, dishes as per photo. Moreover, it had started to rain again.

 We only reached Simpang Renggam at 3 pm with ample time for washing up, laundry and even sneaked an afternoon nap or tea

Regrouped again at 5.30 pm, we scour the streets and walked to our dinner place.

Photographed here is Mui Choy with Pork Belly

Crispy Duck cooked in charcoal fire

Yam basket

Dinner at Restoran Tai Kah Hock @


Day 2

Even though the team was determined, the East was never meant to be conquered today. Cocooned in our cosy rooms, we did not know it has been raining until we met for breakfast at 6.30 am this morning. Disappointed but determined, we delayed our roll out time to 8 am.

However, when the time came, the weather did not change much. We had little choice but to brave the cold. Off, we set ourselves out to nature's lashings at 8.20 am.

Little did we know, God has other plans for us. The heavy rain turned into a downpour and 10 minutes into the ride, we found ourselves taking shelter by a roadside stall.

When the rain seemed to let off a bit, we took to the road again. And again, 10 minutes later we scurried into another roadside stall! This time, the downpour had turned into a thunderstorm!!! We thought the worst of the drama was over when the sound of thunder was reduced to a distant sound. Looking East, we pushed on. Enroute to Mersing, we were shocked to see rivers bursting it's banks. The weather today will definitely be miserable until 2 pm and even though a warm bed awaits in Mersing who is to know tomorrow's weather patterns will not be any worst?

While Chooi paddled away to Kluang, we headed to Renggam 

A monsoon drain in Renggam turned into an engorged river!

That was when we decided it was wiser to abandon our mission than to face the fury of mother's nature. Even though home is another 100 km away, it is more comforting than the wild card we were about to be dealt with.

Still smiling at Guang Fatt Wantan Mee in Layang Layang

Springy wantan mee drowning in lard 

9 km after Layang Layang, Claudine felt her left pedal coming loose. Search as she must, she could not find the missing nut. She had to stop riding near SK Murni Jaya in Kg Sri Muar.

While waiting for Nancy to come to her rescue from Sedenak, Claudine pushed up and glide down every slope. She managed a distance of 2.5 km before God sent Kim to her rescue!

It was already in God's best laid plans for us to return home today for 40 km later, Claudine felt her left pedal coming loose. Nancy, her ex boss was just 10.6 km away making her the most ideal person to rescue her from the middle of a palm oil plantation road. She was ever willing to come but before she arrived another well meaning samaritan extended his help. He had a pick up truck which makes it easier to transport a bike!

Reunited with the gang at Kedai Makanan Hakka Sawit in Kelapa Sawit at 1.30 pm. Kim had earlier dropped Claudine off around 12.50 pm so she didn't exactly wait too long for them.

The remaining heroes making their final run home!

So while Kim dropped Claudine at the nearest town, Irene provided the final car support back home. Which makes it perfect as her bike was immediately sent to Khass for repairs thereafter!

...and the rest of the Heroes pedalled safely home.

More challenges await the heores...

...but thankfully everyone arrived safely home by 6 pm.

Komplete Horse Shit 2 received a hip replacement from Khass Bicycles and was back in action by Tuesday!


SR Inn, Simpang Renggam

Wednesday 25 September 2024

DRC 18.0 - Chasing Railway Bridges (Sept 7-8 2024)

Tebong Old Railway Bridge is the only metal truss bridge in Melaka.

Taboh Naning Old Railway Bridge built from bricks and mortar. Both the bridges are no longer in use, overtaken by the new electrified double tracking railway lines.

Our morning drive came with a stopover in Yong Peng at 7 am for breakfasts @ YP Fishball,

Noodles starts at RM7.50 per bowl with standard ingredients. You have a standard selection of noodles with choice of soup, dry or curry. Here is Fook Chow noodles in curry.

We parked our cars at Mr DIY in Simpang Ampat and rode to the junction to Tanah Perkuburan Islam Taboh Naning. This 1.3 km distance is part of Route 19's Lebuh AMJ and a busy road as it connects to PLUS Highway's Exit 227 Simpang Ampat.

However, a tranquil kampung road awaits all the way from Tanah Perkuburan Islam Taboh Naning to Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Payung

Midway, we rode under the new electrified double tracking railway line  

It is about 1.8 km distance from Tanah Perkuburan Islam Taboh Naning to the Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Payung

We rode through palm oil and rubber estates

Taboh Naning Old Railway Bridge or Jambatan Keretapi Lama Kampung Bukit Payung @

On our way out, passing by modern Malay kampung houses. This is not part of the orang asli village

The modern Malay kampung homes are all in brick and mortars with fences and gates. 

After the Taboh Naning Old Railway Bridge, we returned to Route 19. The service road to Petron Simpang Ampat allows a short respite from the busy road. We later exited at Taman Sri Naning to join M10's Jalan Kemus / Simpang Ampat.

Here is Coach Airways at Freeport A'Famosa Outlet. 

Route M10's Jalan Kemus / Simpang Ampat up to the junction to Pulau Sebang did not see heavy traffic but neither was it car free. However, the road does not come with road shoulders hence it was a bit dicey for us.

After Pulau Sebang, we were passing by Ladang Gadek and Kemuning. This part of the road sees very low traffic as it runs though palm oil estates.

Approaching the end of M10 where the road intersects with M131

A wrong turn was a blessing in disguise as it led us to our lunch stop at Felda Hutan Percha

We had to make a steep climb to get to lunch. Some preferred to push their bikes.

Only 2 stalls were open at Felda Hutan Percha. One sells mee goreng or nasi goreng only while the other one sells rice with a choice of curry chicken, fried chicken or fried fish and nothing else! Beggars can't be choosers and we were glad we made the stop as there was literally nothing available all the way to Tebong! Besides, the only shop opened in Tebong appeared to be operating from half a shop lot offering drinks only.

This "new road" connects M131 to M19. We were told the road has been around since 2019 but strangely it is still not updated on Google Maps. 

Even though it is relatively new and under utilized, it was undergoing resurface works while we were there! According to the locals in Tebong, it had to undergo resurface works as the initial construction was shoddy resulting in bumpy rides!

Approaching the junction to Kampung Orang Asli Hutan Percha

Every cyclist's nightmare : Long climbs on a hot day! You need to acquire a sense of humour or you will never return to the saddle ever again!

Stairway to Heaven

Brand new tarmac!

Mindy approaching our pit stop. The workmen had also stopped for lunch

Entering the farm with Claudine leading the way. Right ahead is the railway bridge.

The joy of taking this photo was immeasurable.

Tebong Old Railway Bridge came into our radar since mid March. But who would have thought it will take us another 6 months to finally see the old bridge in person.

Tebong today, remains a sleepy hamlet, almost forgotten in time. The village consists of a kedai runcit, a motor repair shop, a coffee shop and a chinese temple.

Contrary to its quiet stature, Tebong was once a witness to a horrific attack....

It was 10 January 1942. A train carrying a full load of retreating British soldiers and civilians were heading south, towards Singapore when it screeched to a stop at the Tebong Level Crossing. The gate was closed and the crossing guard missing.

With the gates closed, the train was unable to move forward and across. 200 m ahead is the Tebong Old Railway Bridge traversing Sungai Batang Melaka.

Suddenly, Japanese bombers flew over and rained artilleries on the train. They attacked with guns and bombs killing 10 British soldiers and an unrecorded number of civilians. Many of the dead were buried near the Tebong Railway Station and along the line.

Subsequent to the attack, the British destroyed the Tebong Old Railway Bridge to slow down the impending Japanese army. By 31 January 1942, Malaya fell into Japanese hands.

Bursting with joy for gaining access to the bridge which was actually within a private plantation and all fenced up with gates and watch dogs!

One day, this bridge will no longer stand. Hopefully, the memory of it can be preserved 

Adjacent cattle farm

The farm

The farm quarters next to the bridge

The dirt and gravel path is actually part of the old railway line. The tracks have since been removed

Google Map Streetview from Nov 2013 shows the patched over level crossing (circled in red) and the crossing guard's station. Present day, the road has been resurfaced, concealing all traces of the tracks. Even the station has been levelled to the ground.

Poor Henry had a puncture as soon as he hit the gravel road

While he tried to pump up the tyres, the ladies had a field day taking photos of the bridge. He later pushed the bike out to do a proper tube change at Kedai Runcit Chop Chin Hin, the only kedai runcit in Tebong

One more group photo before we thanked the farm hands for allowing access to the bridge

There were lots of guard dogs in the farm. But they soon got used to our presence and left us alone. Here we are pushing our bikes out to accompany Henry with a flat tyre.

After the tube change, we stopped by Tebong's temple. Someone need to use the toilets!

Back on M10's Jalan Kemuning, we stopped for durian sold by the kampung folk outside their house. RM12 per kilo for durian kampung

Surprisingly it was very good durian. We had 2 fruit for RM50

Regrouped at the entrance to A'Famosa Resort before picking up Wee and Evelyn from A'Famosa Freeport where they had taken refuge from the long dragon backs.

After a quick shower, we drove to Pantai Tanjung Bidara, our intended campsite. We were pleased to see the beach was very clean and there were several gazebos on higher ground, near the medan selera. The gazebos were under the shades of several trees too! Unfortunately, there were also monkeys around!

Ships in the horizon

It was a crowded beach by daytime but deserted at night

The medan selera was hopeless. Thankfully we found a nice roti canai and nasi lemak stall here @

RM0.80 per stick satays from a nearby stall

Delicious nasi lemak

Some of the latecomers because Henry had to shop for T-shirts and shorts from Mr DIY as he had forgotten to bring them for camp!

After Henry voiced out his discomfort over camping at Tanjung Bidara, we checked out Pengakalan Balak which was crowded and noisy. This was our 3rd beach stop! We finally made an SOS call to Wee's uncle to crash at their ancestral home in Ujong Pasir

The morning after at Restoran Yet Sing @ First time had RM6 char kueh tiau, the cheapest deal for a very long time!